Sometimes holidays conjure up more pain and despair than joy and celebration. That’s true for me, anyway, on the day before Thanksgiving. It was 2013 and with the table set, the turkey stuffed, and pies complete, my husband and I spent the day before Thanksgiving driving to Ann Arbor to meet with a pulmonology specialist. She confirmed what we had already feared: I have Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) – a very rare, progressive, degenerative, and debilitating lung disease.
I despise the day before Thanksgiving.
And, in true fashion, this year hasn’t let me down. Although our refrigerator is packed with a 16 lb. turkey, every vegetable known to man, multiple pies, and drinks of every color, I cancelled the festivities for tomorrow because I (of all people who should know better) have had a significant exposure to COVID. While for the last two years I’ve done everything in my power to stay COVID free (which my doctor warned me would “not go well” for me), that little corona boogie man found me anyway.
I want to moan, whine, and throw apples at squirrels. I’d like to take about 10 Melatonin, crawl in bed and wake up on New Year’s Day. I feel like eating all the pies and using the gravy as a chaser. I don’t feel like being thankful for anything or anyone. And I sit here quarantined for 10 days just wondering if every little sniffle is the onset of the illness that will take me out, the very LAST last thing I feel like doing is creating a “Thankful” list.
Which is exactly why I must.
Before Ann Voskamp bestowed on us the beautiful posture of thanksgiving, our very own Jesus Christ had made it quite clear this wasn’t to be an optional thing (Psalm 100: 4,5; Ephesians 5: 18-20; Colossians 2: 6,7; I Thessalonians 5: 16-18 – just to name a few). To be honest, I don’t always like to do all the things Jesus told us to do and sometimes I get grumpy about it. But in this moment, in this debacle, in this wretched season of COVID, I don’t know what else to do or where else I’d go. I will choose thankfulness simply because He told us to be thankful not FOR all things, but IN all things. I will be thankful because he is God and I am not.
I am thankful that:
- I’m still alive. Cliché, I know. But when I was diagnosed 8 years ago today, all the literature said that women with LAM would live, on average, 10 years. Since that time, a chemo-like medication has been approved to treat LAM and while it’s not a cure, it does slow down the progression. Additionally, most recent research reveals that while some women do succumb to LAM after just a few years, others can live as many as 20 to 25 years with the disease. Still, every year, on this day, I am reminded that I am one of the fortunate ones. I am still alive.
- Mom jeans came back in style this year. I mean, seriously, who wouldn’t prefer “A” over “B”???
- My grocery store is diverse. There’s a new grocery store in our neighborhood that has found the magical blend where all people from both ends of the socioeconomic spectrum feel “at home” and catered to. I often shop alongside destitute and homeless people because the store offers the cheapest bread, eggs, and staples anywhere around. The atmosphere is welcoming and quaint, not stuffy like high-end grocery stores can be. Plus, it is within walking distance from most of the poorest sections in town. But at the SAME TIME, whenever I’m there, I will also see high-ranking business folks who work just up the street. These people, who likely have 7-figure incomes, come to this store for the local flare and pricier items: the fresh homemade Italian bread, the sushi prepared on site, the signature blend coffees, and the huge selection of organic produce. I truly believe all of us feel known and accepted there. For the first time in my life, I love to get groceries. It’s a grocery-store miracle.
- I live in a neighborhood where I encounter the homeless every day. That may seem like a weird thing to be thankful for – because DANG how I wish homelessness wasn’t even a thing! But Jesus did say: “The poor you will always have with you.” (Matthew 26:11), and while I’d like to argue that point with him (“But WHY, Jesus??? Why can’t we fix poverty and eliminate homelessness and hunger??? Wouldn’t that be better???), what I have come to believe is that the poor are maybe in our lives because WE need THEM. I think maybe the plan behind the homeless in our face every day is so that the comfortable ones (me) get uncomfortable. And if that IS God’s plan, I think it is a good one.
- I don’t own a gun. Several weeks back, on an extremely hot and muggy evening, I left our upstairs bedroom to go sleep on the couch on the main floor. The air-conditioning just doesn’t reach the second floor in our century old home, and no one wants to see a cranky menopausal woman after a long, sweaty night without sleep. Instead, I fell fast asleep on the couch. Somewhere around 3:00 in the morning, I awoke to the sound of someone fidgeting with our door locks. We don’t live in the best neighborhood. I’d been warned that nighttime burglars in our neighborhood often look for purses set out on kitchen tables that they can just grab and go. In a milli-second I glanced at our dining table and saw my purse sitting out in the open. The burglar would have to walk right past me to get it. In the second milli-second I scanned my reach for something to use as a weapon. My choices were a book, a remote control, and an empty Diet Coke. This was not looking good. With my third milli-second I said a prayer: “Lord, see you soon!” because I was certain I was going to die. The door burst open, my heart stopped beating even before I saw the burglar. A short black shadow entered the room and I steeled myself for the bullet. The person was so short, in fact, I thought, “My God! Is this a child about to murder me?” – but my eyes wouldn’t focus in the dark. In a very NEXT milli-second I remembered my youngest daughter was short. Very short. She had moved out several months prior, but still had a key. She had fumbled at the door because it was so dark out and she was hysterical. About a half hour earlier she had learned that a dear friend of hers had been killed in a tragic car accident only an hour after he had left her apartment. She was one of the last people to see him alive. She fell apart with the news and needed support, so she drove directly to her mom. If I had had a gun, I totally would have taken it with me to sleep on the couch – that’s logical in our neighborhood. If I had had a gun, I have no doubt in my mind I would have killed my daughter.
- We’ve had sunny days in November!!!
- Some friends don’t give up on the chronically ill. I’ve not been a good friend to my friends, I know that full well. I don’t have the energy to go out for coffee/lunch like I once did, or hang out at the beach together, and I’m certainly not baking anyone cinnamon rolls anymore. I sometimes even look at my phone, consider a text or call, but don’t – because the phone looks like it weighs about 300 pounds. Somehow, some way, a few of my friends have stuck with me in all of this. I’ve heard it said that those who suffer from chronic illness are the loneliest people anywhere. I believe it. But God has given me the gift of a few good friends and they have made all the difference.
- God made Olipop. If you’ve never heard of this heavenly healthy beverage, let it suffice to say that the Diet Coke in my fridge is afraid. Very afraid.
- Some people never give up on a neighborhood. Our lovely, fragile, diverse, and economically challenged neighborhood is breaking, bursting and, as always, crying out for help. Paul and I were utterly blown away when we moved to the city by the amount of people relentlessly doing the hard, thankless, and tiring work of community care through neighborhood ministries. These brave and devoted few are bringing the shalom of Jesus to a worn-out world and we are so privileged to journey with them.
- I’ve been given a baby to love. I’m so thankful that a neighborhood couple who needed a little help with childcare thought of me. It’s no secret that COVID has forced me to quit my job as an RN, has kept Paul and I from many of the things we enjoy, and has even wreaked havoc on my mental stability. I didn’t even realize how much a baby brings HOPE and JOY and LIFE into a bleak existence, but it’s true: a baby changes everything! (Even my shitty attitude)
Really she does…
Please, share with me some of the things you’re most thankful for this year. I’d love to hear them and God gets the glory!!!
Thanks for your words, your honesty and your unvarnished perspective on the things in life that both challenge and truely matter. Though your physical energy may be lacking, your words posses power, grace and needed offense.
Oh Blaine! Thank you so much – as always – for the encouragement! You know, better than most, that those of us willing to “stick our necks out” and speak out, need a word of encouragement here and there – or we’d just give up! So, back at ‘ya, my friend!!! So thankful for the words you gift the world with and the way you use those words to exalt God always!!!
You say so eloquently what is also in my heart and on my mind. This came just in time. Yesterday after speaking with my pulmonologist, she burst my bubble and said “No” to having family over, to shopping in the stores, and to going to my grandchildren’s Christmas programs at church. The positivity in West Michigan is 24%. I asked when can I go out? The response was heartbreaking. When it’s less than 5%. That’s light-years away.
Being thankful is hard, very hard. Thank you for reminding me that, because of God and His Son Jesus Christ, my glass is half full, not half empty. Happy Thanksgiving
Oh my, Carole! How I feel your pain. It sometimes just feels like too much, doesn’t it? I was nearly at the point of despair this past week after my COVID exposure and the sky-rocketing cases in our area. I can sink so low sometimes – and nothing but the grace of God pulls me back up. Can I ask who your pulmonologist is? Is it Dr. Schmidt by chance? I see her here in GR, but I also still see Dr. Han at the UofM. I haven’t talked to either of them since this latest spike in cases in West Michigan. Your doctor’s recommendation sure strikes a sad chord with me as well. A positivity rate of 5% just seems entirely impossible with such a stubborn bunch of Michiganders who refuse vaccination. I’m at a loss with how to process that…
And I agree, I had to dig deep to find just a short list of things to be thankful for this year. It wasn’t an easy year for us, was it? But, even in the midst of the worst kind of worldwide pandemic that a LAMMIE could ever face, we STILL CAN find things for which we’re thankful!!! I find that amazing!!! And hopeful!!! No matter what, with Jesus, we are going to be okay. I’m alive. You’re alive. We’re okay. Praying for you right now, Carole. xoxo
As always, thanks for being honest. I find thanksgiving hard when overseas, I was just gonna skip it this year, then I got brave and invited myself to someone’s house. We had a lovely time and I got to make my dinner rolls and homemade mashed potatoes. Most of my kids will be celebrating together so I am happy about that. I am truly thankful for so much!
I love you, Becca! I can 100% picture you and Dan gathered around the table of interesting people – some Senegalese, some not, and enjoying a unique and delicious meal and stimulating conversation! Man, I miss that side of life overseas!!! You surely do have much to be thankful for! Miss you! ‘
Cindy, I don’t read blogs. Even though I’m part of writing one for our business, I just don’t like them. One exception: Yours. It’s the only one I consistently read and this post exemplifies why. I’m drawn to your authenticity, your humor, your love for North Africa, but mostly the way you gently challenge me (with the previous) to be more authentic myself, before my Maker. Thank you.
Great blog! I laughed with you and teared up with you! Thank you for sharing from your heart!
Thanks, Cheryl! I really hate to make people cry!!! But, I think, when we scrape off our fake exteriors, we will find that the hidden layers directly affect the tear ducts (kinda like an onion!!!) And that’s where the good stuff resides, right??? Blessings!!
So sucky you were exposed to Covid, Cindy. I hope your sniffles stay just that! And I am thankful for so many things this season–family, my Honduran community, ASJ and my backyard neighbors whose ceaselessly energetic music entertains me all day long. 🙂 And I’m thankful for you and your blog. Love you!
Thanks, JoAnn! I know your family knows the realness of COVID and how it just seems to lurk wherever and whenever we’re not looking. I’m mad at myself for letting my guard down last weekend, but so far, I’m still COVID free and I am THANKFUL for that!!! I love your thankful list – especially the neighbors with energetic music! Sometimes it’s the littlest things that can either allow to unnerve us – or, we can CHOOSE to let it bring us joy through experiencing the world in new and different ways. I LOVE IT that you see ceaseless music that way!!! Love you, my friend!!!
Love this! COVID sucks! Thanks for helping us laugh and cry through some of the tough stuff.
Oh Kelly – you as much as anyone I know knows just HOW MUCH covid sucks!!! It is a demon in our midst, for sure. And unless we fight back with the love, the joy, and the laughter that can only be found in the kingdom of Christ, we would despair for sure. Praise God we have a hope!!! xoxo
Thank you Cindy! Your blog hit a lot of issues not with despair but hope and laughter. So many blessings to be truly grateful for!
Thanks, Karla! I will admit, depression knocks on my door often. I sometimes let him get his slimy little foot in the door a little way, too. But I tell ‘ya if it weren’t for laughter and the promise of a GOD who is with us in ALL things, I would despair. I cling to those two things like a life-preserver. And – I guess, that’s why I need to share my musings. It helps me – so maybe God will use it to help others, too! Bless you!!!
Hi, Cindy! I’m glad you didn’t accidentally kill your daughter!!! Wow! What a scare! I’m praying so hard you don’t get Covid ‼️‼️ Dang, life is a bit too exciting at your house right now, to say the least! Glad you have been getting your baby fix of love sitting for your neighbor’s baby! I’m getting some baby love right now, too. My youngest daughter, Tricia just had her first baby 2 weeks ago and Ron & I are at her house in Portland, Maine right now helping out! 😍So wonderful to hold a newborn grandson! I didn’t remember that you found out that you had LAM in Thanksgiving eve 13 years ago….. No wonder this time of year can “suck” for you. Very glad to read that the prognosis for LAM has much improved with medication! THAT IS HUGE‼️‼️ Thanking God for that and praying you don’t get Covid‼️ Let us know, ok? Thanks for sharing. You are a good writer; It’s like reading a suspenseful, well written short story that one can’t put down. Just wish the main character wasn’t you! God bless you, Cindy! (ps. Cool grocery store!)
Thank you, Nancy! Your sweet and generous words of affirmation are a true Thanksgiving gift to me. I SO struggle with this writing journey – often feeling like I should “throw in the towel.” Your words have helped me to press on! And congratulations on a precious new grandson!!! Aren’t they just the best??? We don’t get to see our grandbaby much – she’s in Chicago – but spending time with our neighbor’s baby has become the highlight of my week! Isn’t it incredible what babies teach us about life, priorities, God, and miracles??? I can’t get enough of them!!! Love you!!!
Thank you for this post and God bless you!
Thank YOU, James! And may you feel God’s hand of blessing in your life as well!
Thanks so much Cindy for what you wrote from your heart. I had read your Last blog too but didn’t write anything. You make me laugh & tear up all in the same reading. I have been struggling with some medical issues but I know God has me where HE wants me. I will be praying that you feel better soon!!
Thank you, Marla! I don’t know how anyone could face medical trials without the assurance of a God who holds them up! I’d be sunk, I know that! I appreciate your prayers and will do the same for you – that you will feel God’s arms around you in a powerful way. Blessings!
Thank you for your eyes and ears and heart as you describe the West Side neighborhood and community. I continue to learn more about myself in seeing our world through God’s eyes and yours and how I can be used to build, restore and encourage others. You always have just the right words to describe situations and are able to suggest new avenues of thinking that opens a window to a wider understanding of who God is and what our role in communities can be. I think I would love to meet you at the Bridge St Market sometime and see this community through your eyes and ears – maybe I could enjoy grocery shopping too as you do.
My dear friend – thank you so much for your kind comments. And I, too, learn so much from you as we journey through urban-life learning together. I’d absolutely LOVE to meet you at the market sometime – grab a coffee (or maybe from the Pavi!) and just walk through the neighborhood. It’s one of my favorite things to do, actually! Life is a wild ride, Marcia – and I’m thankful to be alongside you while on it!!!
I am thankful for trees and open spaces and plants. Thanks for sharing your disappointing news of your Thanksgiving and the idea of giving thanks in all things, not FOR all things. Thinking of you and I enjoy your writing and thinking…
Love you, Margie! I love your love for nature and all of God’s creation! When we ask for eyes to see, there is evidence of God everywhere, isn’t there??? And what more could we ask for when it comes to thankfulness??? xoxo
I love your vulnerability — and hate that your Thanksgiving had to look different than you expected again. Thank you for this; your honesty is so refreshing.
Hey Dana!!! Thank you for this! While raising the kids they would often come to me with a relational dilemma and ask what they should say, how to say it, to whom to say it, etc. etc. I would always respond with: “Well, one thing I know for sure, honesty has never failed me yet. Why don’t you just be honest?” It doesn’t come natural to me – and I think, to some extent, that is true for most people. We just have a hard time being gut-level honest with one another. It’s something I’m working on, though. As I get older, I’ve decided I’d rather be chided for saying too much – offering “a little too much” honesty, than withholding something and not being honest enough.
Hey Cindy. This is Jan from our favorite condo complex in Fort Myers, Florida. I’m still waiting to hear about the completion of your book. Did I miss it? LOL. I agree with all the comments posted. Don’t have to repeat them. Just want to let you know that I so enjoyed meeting you and talking with you. You are so inspiring. Let me know if you will be in the Bunche Beach area this winter. Would love to get together again. I am most thankful to have my wonderful family unity.
Hello my friend Jan from Fort Myers!!! I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately as I plan my next winter get-away! So glad you reached out! You did not miss my book – it’s nowhere that you could find it… because it sleepily resides only in my computer at this point! I’m still trying to find an agent to represent me so I can pitch it to publishers – no easy task! I’ll email you separately regarding my whereabouts this winter. I’d love to meet up again and catch up on life!!! xoxo
Cindy… you are a gift. Thank you for your honesty. I am sorry to hear about Eulyssa’s (sp?? sorry). friend… how sad… Also to hear that ya got the Cova… (as my mom refers to it as). I will pray for mild symptoms. I got it too… it sucks…but thank you for your perspective on being thankful. God is good…. all the time…. He is good! Merry Christmas my friend!
Janis – YOU are a gift as well! Just thinking of you makes me smile because you bring so much joy, light, and laughter to the world! I know that is what Heidi always loved about you, too. You always made her laugh! I actually didn’t COVID (at least not yet…) – I was only exposed to it last week. I’m 9 days into quarantining and so far, so good! I’ve been thrice vaxxed (because I’m immunocompromised) and I should trust the vaccine – but there’s just been so many with break-through infections! I’m not afraid of dying (would get to see Heidi again! Yay!!!) but I am definitely afraid of the getting dead part. So I’m gonna do my best to avoid the “Cova” as best I can!!! Love you, girl! xoxo
Dear Cindy I’m so sorry to hear you are battling LAM. May God give you strength, comfort, and protection.
XO Lori
Thanks, Lori – I truly appreciate the prayers! So fun to see your name “pop up” here! Hope you and yours are doing well and enjoying a blessed Holiday season!