I first realized I had a problem in the middle of the night. Since Mr. Insomnia is a regular third partner in our marriage bed, it was nothing new for me to still be wide awake at 3 a.m. But as I stared blankly at the ceiling for what felt like hours, the dark thoughts blanketing me were definitely new: “Why am I even still here? I add no value to this world anymore. Why stay? My life has no purpose anymore.”
And as daylight approached and slowly lit up our room, my soul became increasingly darker.
As a psychiatric nurse, I know darn well the symptoms of clinical depression and suicidal ideation… apparently, however, only in others. I almost missed it entirely as it crept up in my own life. Although it happened insidiously – like a drippy faucet that floods an entire basement – I still got very wet before I knew I needed help.
By the grace of God, I found the strength to confide in my husband how bad things were. He knew just the people to rally around me. In very short order, I had a friend’s condo waiting for me in Florida (much of my sad state can be blamed on SAD – Seasonal Affective Disorder), a friend who dropped everything in her busy life to come join me, one of the largest bouquets of spring flowers sent to our home, and a few timely phone calls that provided just the right “pick-me-up.”
Perhaps my lung disease has heightened my isolation, the heavy impact of COVID, and the resulting depression; but I also know of many, many others who (bravely) have shared similar heavy, dark emotions. I truly believe most of us are suffering some version of sadness and loss (perhaps PTSD?) from this insufferable COVID year.
Giving testimony to the state of our collective psyches is the universal rise in psychiatric hospital admissions, suicides and suicide attempts, drug dependency and alcoholism.
Fellow humans – we’re suffering. First of all, it is critical that we admit it. We were not created to live in this type of isolation, fear, and guardedness. We are starving for human interaction and a life laced with laughter, loved ones, long dinners, and live music. And if and when we come to terms with the suffering we’ve endured, we’re going to have to reach out and get some help.
So here are my BEST words for you today: GO AFTER IT! TAKE WHAT YOU NEED!!!
If there’s anything this last month of my life has taught me is that advocating for yourself is not only good and necessary, but it is a God-breathed practice of honoring the life he gifted us. Contrary to some ridiculous lie I picked up somewhere along the Christian way, to admit you need help and then asking for it is NOT a sin.
I think that for most of my life I viewed the word “Help” like any other four-lettered offensive swear word. I don’t know if it’s my restrained Dutch background, being an Enneagram 8 or just plain the sin of pride, but I’m so averse to asking for help, that I’ve wallowed in pain/suffering for days, weeks, months and years without ever telling a soul.
I wish I was the only one wired like that – trying to handle all my suffering alone. Because it’s a miserable way to live and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. But sadly, I know I’m not the only one.
But lately I’ve been wondering about the redemptive work of evil. Even things as evil as COVID. What if a redeemable purpose of this COVID-crap is that it FINALLY brings some of us to our knees? What if those of us more stubborn types are finally humbled to the point of asking for help? Can it be that God is using something so ugly and BAD for our physical health to actually make us more spiritually and holistically healthier???
What if NOT finding the good in all of this bad we actually miss God?
What if he’s waiting for us to find HIM in all of this?
What if we surrendered our “political” posturing or “I must be right” attitudes or “You’re all stupid” positions and instead just focused on God and how he uses suffering to mature us?
What if we asked God to USE Covid to change us and mold us into who He wants us to be?
What if we all come out of this on the other side BETTER versions of ourselves instead of WORSE?
This year – this entire COVID nightmare – is NOT the time to pretend you are okay if you’re not. This is NOT the season to portray life and joyous living to the world while you’re dying on the inside. This is NOT an okay time to act like you’ve got it all together. This is NOT the time to play the hero.
We are in troubled, difficult times. We’re tired and like never before, we NEED each other!!!
This is a season for raw honesty. This is the season to find your trusted tribe and humbly reach out to tell them exactly what you need. One way we’ll know we are better off as humanity is when we can see people working together, building one another up, and helping one another in every possible way.
There have been so many times in my life when confronted the ugliest, rawest, most painful realities of this world (sex-trafficking, racism, child-slavery, refugee crisis, abortion, etc.) I often conclude with this statement, “Well, I do not know exactly what I can do about it, but one thing I know for sure, doing nothing is NOT an option.”
I don’t know what would have happened if my tribe had not come around me in my darkest days. I’m so thankful they didn’t choose to do nothing. I do not know exactly what I CAN do about the broad suffering around the world in response to COVID, but, as always, doing nothing is NOT an option for me. So, if you’re reading this blog, you are my friend and I want to help you. If you are having a hard time of it right now, shoot me an email (via my website) and I PROMISE YOU, I will send you a bouquet of flowers.
I am NOT joking. Sometimes I try to be funny and people don’t get me because I’m really not all that funny. This is NOT one of those times.
I’m totally serious. If you’re struggling today, e-mail me asap and I will send you flowers.
I think you speak the words of many, many people! SAD is such an ugly thing! Just opening blinds on a sunshine day can make the world of difference! Thanks for sharing your story with us!
Hi Cindy. Friend. I could use some chirking up today. Thank you. Will you send me flowers? Terri
Done! Send me your address and they’re on the way!!!
Terri Buckingham
Sacred Grounds Coffee Farm
82-6011 Mamalahoa Hwy
Captain Cook Hi 96704
Please send me your address too dearest. I’d like to bless you, too.
I never knew just how debilitating SAD can be – and it keeps getting worse as I get older. I’m not sure how we’re going to find a way forward in all of this – but for now I’m just celebrating that I’ve made it through the worst of this winter. Today, God sent the sun to Michigan and yes, the blinds are open and I even cracked open a window!!! If we can practice patience, joy DOES come in the morning!!!
I should/have to attend a visitation today for some dear friends that just lost their father/in law. I’m very sad about the loss of this sweet papa bear and am scared to death that it will backtrack the very little progress I am making out of my own fricking depression. I’m so tired of being so fragile. There! There it is on ‘paper’. Love ya girl – just keep swimming 💕
Oh Donna – I’m so, so sorry for your loss. It seems like this has been a season of relentless loss and grief for SO many of us!!! But one thing I know, is that if we wait for “someday,” the “someday when life is back to normal” to find our joy, we will almost always be joyless. Because that someday never comes. Life is just plain full of heartache and Jesus never said it’d be any different. What he did tell us is that IN all things we are to give thanks (still find our joy), not FOR all things. We are not thankful for COVID, or LAM, death, suffering, racism, political divide, or all the things causing us heartache these days – but still, IN THE MIDST of those things, when we find God and meet him IN THE MIDST of our suffering, we then can and will find thankfulness and joy. Love you so much, Donna!!! xoxo
Thanks Cindy for your honesty and bringing this forward to help many people. We are thinking of you and Ed and I will be praying daily for these struggles – that is one good thing that has come out of covid – we pray together daily now for the tough stuff you mention! Can I also add racism to your list. I am learning so much and grieving it as I grasp at an understanding and all the while knowing that WE NEED TO BRING LIGHT to our American past and present when it comes to racism. I know the other things you mention too and thanks for the hopeful God centered ideas around what could be happening if we find a new way of looking at and for God in all this.
Oh thank you so much, sweet Marjorie!!! You are spot on with the need to add “racism” to my list! In fact, I’m going to edit my post to include it. What an awful year we’ve been through (and continue on) and the stark reality of blatant racism in our country continues to be one of more painful parts. And grieving is right – we just aren’t the country we thought we were and it’s time to face it, name it, and grow/change. I love you and your heart for justice and goodness in the world – what a beautiful way to let the love of Jesus shine through you!!!
I could use a little chirking up today, Cindy.
Chirk-up, my friend! Send me your address and flowers are on the way (from Michigan to Hawaii – isn’t that a funny paradox???) Just know, you are never alone in your sadness – and with God, we WILL make it through!!!
Hi Cindy! How are you doing today, dear friend? Sending love and praying for your best and light in your day.
I do also have a question. Do you have any contacts in Florida? I’m feeling like I’m supposed to take a trip there, too, and just wanting to be where God wants me.
Hey again, Terri! I don’t have many contacts in Florida, and the friend who’s condo I stayed at is now living there himself. But Tony and Connie Johnson do live in Jacksonville if you’re interested in staying in the north part of the state (still gorgeous and sunny… but then again, how do you improve upon HAWAII????) You can find Connie on Facebook. I hope that helps!!! xoxo
From one Enneagram 8 to another……thank you for your honesty. We proud Dutch too often try to hide our weakness. Know that I pray for you and Paul everyday…..that’s the one thing I can do from wherever.
Dot Holleman
Hello Dot! I love how us “8’s” are coming out of the woodwork!!! It is time to celebrate our gifts and do the hard work of moving toward and staying healthy 8’s!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers! It means so very much to us!!!
Thanks so much for sharing! Your honesty can be a life boat to many. So glad you found your people in this as we need your voice!
Thanks, Kelli! One of the “gifts” of my lung illness and knowing my life will be truncated is that I never hold back anymore. I know it’s risky and sometimes I say too much, too carelessly – but most of the time I think, “What have I got to lose? And the gain of sharing is always the possibility of helping others. So why not???” Love you.
A couple of weeks ago I was feeling the effects of SAD. I intentionally met up with friends to take a walk and just talk. Sharing my sadness and knowing they would pray for me. Being honest during a typical “How are you doing?” question at church , I was straight up told to get up and do something, anything that week. Boy, did that help! Thankful for those you can confide in and give you “in your face” counsel.
Thanks for sharing Cindy.
Hey Frances – thank you for these helpful words of how simple act of “self care” can truly restore our spiritual and mental health! So, so true!!! We all need a few trusted people who can get “in our face” and speak the truth in love. May we always be open to the Godly counsel of others in our lives!!!
Please listen to the song “I’m Fine” by Matthew West. It echoed your message beautifully.
I LOVE that song, Anne! He captures exactly the way I’d been living and trying to portray just how “fine” I was to the world. But what good does that do? None. It only harms ourselves and prevents others from using their gifts of compassion and care toward us. What a hard lesson to learn, eh??? But so, so, necessary!!!
Thank you for sharing your heart! If you ever have feelings that your blogs are a waste of time. Please know your words have life and I appreciate knowing I am not alone in this crazy world! Especially, this last year with Covid and how it has Isolated us all! We know God is still in control but we still need a tribe to help carry us sometime and we are not meant to walk alone! Bless you!
Thank you so much, Julie! Honestly, I do struggle with this blog – kind of, “What the use?” And then I’m reminded that if we speak the words of God, His word never returns void. It’s completely up to him what he will do with it – not me. Thank you for that reminder! And you’re so right – we were not meant to walk alone – it is good to be a part of a tribe that builds one another up. May I never stray from that goal. Bless YOU!!!
Thank you for bring vulnerable and honest. I love reading your post. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Thanks for the positive encouragement, Sheila. It IS scary to be vulnerable, but I haven’t found a better way to connect with others and help them to feel less alone. And helping people is my very favorite think to do!!! God Bless!!!
Hi, Cindy,
What a lovely way to be His Hands!
Things take too long and cost too much to Canada, so I’d love if you’d just send me a favourite picture of flowers!
(Seriously, eh?)
All for His Glory ~
All good things,
You got it, Anneliese! Check your email for a “pick-me-up” bouquet of flowers!!!
I love your writing, vulnerability, and heart. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thanks, Dana! Back at ‘ya! Don’t ever stop writing – I love your gift and when you share it with the world!!!
I love your honesty, your heart, and your words [and all the rest of you]! As a 7 on the Enneagram I am constantly trying to Avoid Pain! I mask pain with laughter, jokes, and being the typical 3rd born brat [but a fun one…it’s a thing…Doug has told me that]. But these days I’m not finding things funny. I can’t muster the energy to be a fun brat, I’m weepy and just a general slug. I join you in the insomnia, dark thoughts and depression and I’m tired of it! BUT, thanks be to God, He gave me [us] Philippians 4:8 [The Message] Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies. This has been my daily mantra and my saving grace from thoughts that go quickly down a rabbit hole! I love you Cindy, I miss you and wish I could sit at your kitchen counter and talk and laugh!
Dearest Kristi – Man, how I miss you. Whenever I listen to classic rock or 80’s music, I immediately think of you and miss you more!!! And I think you are probably the MOST OBVIOUS Enneagram number that I know – a TOTAL PACKAGE SEVEN!!! That’s why everyone loves to hang around you so much!!! ANd even you, a solid seven, has felt the heaviness of this sucky, suck-suck time of life! Thank you so, so much for sharing this verse from the Message. I forget to look into that Bible for encouragement and understanding. This paraphrase is so powerful and is exactly what I needed to hear today – and I’m sure it has blessed so many others as well!!! Did you know our new (but very old) house has a counter with bar stools???? It does. And one of them has your name on it. So, soon – very soon, my friend, you and Doug must come over and plop your butts down there and let’s talk for hours, okay???? xoxo