I’m Cindy DeBoer.
Our family followed Jesus away from America’s version of a “dream”
and he led us to far, far better things.
I write about our journey here.
“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.”
—C.S. Lewis
Here in humility
Morocco is world renowned for its ornate and colorful doorways that open to ancient, centuries-old homes located in cities like Fes, Marrakech and Meknes. Many of these homes, called riads, have been converted to stylish bed and breakfast hotels by entrepreneurial Europeans. The first time we stayed in one of these riads we all wondered if the home had originally been built for hobbits. The door was so short, even our children had to duck to enter.
Our riad owner quickly informed us that the short doors were not a builder’s mistake nor were they installed because the 9th and 10th century inhabitants were extremely short. We learned that the small doors simply served to remind guests that they needed to enter with a posture of humility. These doors were intentionally installed so that guests, as they ducked to enter, would be reminded how to be a polite and humble guest – to listen more than to be heard, to extend respect and appreciation throughout the visit, and to leave their host feeling better about himself/herself than prior to the visit.
Isn’t that the coolest thing ever??? The short door reminds us how to be a good guest!
And this is what I believe: When we open content on the internet – whether by reading news articles, blogs, or posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram – we are, in a sense, inviting the author or creator into our homes as a guest. When you clicked on my site, you invited me and my thoughts into your presence and I want to be (need to be!) the best guest possible. I need to enter your home in humility remembering that I am just the guest.
One of the biggest problems I see in America today, is that we’ve forgotten that even an online presence requires humility, kindness and tenderness. We’ve forgotten the short door.
My commitment to you, dear reader, is that any content produced on this website comes to you from a posture of humility. As I continue to write and capture the evolving human experience, I pray that every single time I hit “publish” I will remember I am entering through the short door. May my presence in your life, via this website, bring hope and encouragement. May I listen more than I speak. May I always convey respect and gratitude to you. And may you leave our shared time together feeling better about yourself than before our “visit.”
Thank-you for letting me enter through the short door.
“For whoever wants to save their life will lose it,
but whoever loses their life for me will find it.”
Words of Jesus, Matthew 16:25
Cindy’s memoir chronicles their family’s unorthodox Christian journey that began as a result of praying in earnest:
“Lord, help us to live what we say we believe.”
Would you like to learn more about Cindy’s story or her book?
Get in touch with her here,
she would love to hear from you!